Many components in Entropy Resins Accessory Kits are made from smooth, sturdy plastics that epoxy won’t strongly adhere to. This makes them reusable, and you should be able to easily pop cured epoxy off of these items by gently squeezing or bending them. Then you can continue using those mixing sticks, mixing pots, spreaders, etc.
How long this reusability lasts mainly depends on how often you reuse these items. Once the plastic becomes scratched and worn, it will be harder to pop cured epoxy off of them. The reusability of our accessories fits nicely with our values surrounding environmental stewardship. Dispensing pumps will last an especially long time as they are not likely to get scraped up, and are not subject to mixed resin and hardener that can cure onto them.
Syringes are the exception. Although they too are made from smooth, sturdy plastic, there is no easy way to get cured epoxy out of these small, cylindrical components. Likewise, we don’t recommend reusing protective gloves; when the epoxy you get on them cures, the gloves may tear. Skin protection is too important to risk that happening.
Let’s review each kit and look at the pieces you’ll be able to use multiple times.
Accessory Starter Kit
- 1 Pump Set, 2:1
- 2 Reusable Mixing Pots, 16 oz
- 8 Reusable Mixing Sticks
- 2 Reusable Flexible Epoxy Spreaders
- 4 Pairs of Epoxy-safe Disposable Gloves
- 2 Epoxy Syringes
Deluxe Accessory Kit
- 1 Pump Set, 2:1
- 4 Reusable Mixing Pots, 32 oz
- 8 Reusable Mixing Sticks
- 4 Reusable Flexible Epoxy Spreaders
- 8 Pairs of Epoxy-safe Disposable Gloves
- 2 Epoxy Syringes
Creator’s Accessory Kit
- 2 plain 4 oz bottles
- 20 ¼ oz cups
- 20 Wood Mixing Sticks
- 4 Pairs of Epoxy-safe Disposable Gloves
- 2 Epoxy Syringes
Pump Kit
This sturdy, reusable set of epoxy resin and hardener pumps is compatible with Entropy Resins 1 qt., .5 gal., and 1 gal. container sizes. Two pump strokes of resin for each one pump stroke of hardener will provide the correct mix ratio, ensuring a proper cure.
- 1 Pump Set, 2:1
- None
How to know when to replace your accessories
In conclusion, after repeated use, Entropy’s smooth and sturdy plastic accessories can develop scratches that epoxy may key into. You’ll know this has happened when epoxy begins sticking to them after it cures. It’s possible that they may become warped or deformed after repeated use as well. When cured epoxy no longer pops off your accessories or they just don’t seem to function like they used to, you’ll know it’s time to recycle those items and start using fresh ones.